Printed copies of Python for Informatics are available for $10 or less from Amazon and $2 or less on Kindle:
- English: /
- Spanish: / (Python para Informáticos: Explorando la información)
- Korean: ( 정보교육을 위한 파이썬: 정보탐색을 통한 데이터 과학자로의 여정 )
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Additional English versions:
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You can download all of the sample Python code from the book from , or individual files from the directory
All of the book materials are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. The slides, audio, assignments, auto grader and all course materials other than the book are available from under the more flexible Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. If you are curious as to why the "NC" variant of Creative Commons was used, see Appendix D of the textbook or search through my for the string "copyright".